Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What does it mean to "struggle" with something?

In recent years I've noticed a sharp increase in the language of "struggle." We don't say that we have "sinned" in a particular area; we say we are "struggling" with it. Whether the increase is actual or just my perception is a question I will leave aside for the time being. What interests me is identifying what this word actually means in religious discourse.

I suggest that the meaning of "struggling" lies somewhere between "sinning" and "suffering."

To struggle is not the same as to sin. That should be obvious. But what is confusing about the two terms is that "struggle" is often used in conjunction with particular "sins." For instance, it is not uncommon for someone to say they are struggling with pornography. Assuming pornography-use is a sin in some sense, what could it possibly mean to struggle with pornography? Does this mean someone is using pornography? If so, would that action not be a sin to confess? But to say one is struggling with pornography lessens the blow. This way one is not confessing a sin to be forgiven; rather, he is sharing of an aspect of his journey.

To struggle is not the same as to suffer. That too should be obvious. But it is confusing again because the term "struggle" often refers to situations of suffering. Following the same example, someone says they are struggling with pornography in the sense of an addiction. Sure, they may be using pornography. But the focus is not on the behavior in this case. The focus is on the fact that they are trapped in an addiction and trying to work their way out of it. But it is easier to say one is struggling because "suffering" sounds so weak and helpless. This way one is not admitting to suffer at the hands of another; rather, he is sharing problem which he is in the process of overcoming.

The alternative category of "struggling" is certainly helpful, especially because it makes it easier for people to be open to one another. We proud folk prefer to not admit that we are sinning or suffering. We don't want to look bad or weak. More importantly, such a category creates space for certain behaviors which fall short of the ideal Christian life but may be permissible as stages along life's way. Addictions in particular are good candidates for this kind of alternative category. Whether the example of pornography should be placed in this category is another matter. What can be affirmed is that "struggle" is at least a logically plausible alternative category to "sin."

The problem is that the language of struggle threatens to overextend its use so that sin and suffering language disappear altogether (or at least are relegated to extreme cases). Without both the language of sin and suffering, we will be left to ourselves as "strugglers." Why? Because sinners and sufferers need salvation. Sin and suffering imply a dependency on someone else to solve the problem. Not so for strugglers. Strugglers do not need saved. Strugglers do it on their own. Even when they ask for help, they are in control of the situation. Struggling is ultimately about me, my problems, and my solution to those problems.

So I conclude that the language of "struggling" can be a useful category between sin and suffering, but should not be allowed to swallow up these other two indispensable terms.

Any thoughts?
How do you use the language of struggling, sinning and suffering?
Would you differ with my description?
Do you see any additional advantages to the language of struggle?
Do you see any additional disadvantages to the language of struggle?
What else is lost by the decreased use of sin and suffering language?


theajthomas said...

In my mind the term struggle, when used in the sense described here, seems to assume at least an element of sin or at least strong temptation to it. It seems that struggle seems to parallel the concept of “besetting sin”. There are certain sins that I occasionally and randomly are tempted by or commit but there are others with which I wrestle on a much more predictable basis. These are an ongoing struggle not just a once off bout of temptation. I think the real issue with this language what we see ourselves struggling with. Do we struggle with our weaknesses or “I’m only human-ness” or do we call it sin and see the only real solution to it in Christ.

JohnLDrury said...

the aj,

Your comment on frequency is illuminating as to the use of the term. Thanks.

You hit the nail on the head with your final question: with what are we struggling? That's the key!

Any thoughts?

theajthomas said...

I'm not sure how to get more specific than sin. I guess the question I would need to wrestle with next is what are the differences and distinctions between the sin nature/old man, etc and a besetting sin and what are the connections. Why does my fallen nature tend to pull me in a particular direction repeatedly while leaving others all alone? Why doesn’t there seem to be more variety in most peoples experience with temptation? I’m working on a theory that involves the idea that our sinful nature prays upon our amoral weaknesses and uses them against us. I think most people’s areas of chronic temptation have some corollary to their personality. There is also the “crime of opportunity” approach where if you are constantly around people who are annoying your temptation might be unkindness or if you are exposed to sexual stimuli frequently you temptation may be to lust, or if you receive a lot of encouragement the temptation may be to pride etc. ok that’s all I’ve got for now, I spent the afternoon painting a backdrop for our youth rally and my head is a little swimmy.

Mike Cline said...

Just. Jay's thoughts on the positioning (if I can use that term) that occurs by using the word "struggling" is very helpful to me personally. When someone says "I am struggling" with a particular vice/sin, habit, thought, etc...they are expressing a desire to move past it. And even more so, I see it as a call for the Body to intersect their lives and lend a hand. For example, if someone said to me "I sin. I lust." Where do I go from there? Lead them through the "sinner's prayer?" They have identifed themselves with the condition of being a sinner, but haven't really shown me any remorse or inkling to move past their present state. But if they said "I am struggling with...", I hear a cry of need. I recognize it, HEAR it, mobilize, and act appropriately. I come alongide them. Granted, this could happen regardless of the phrases one uses when approaching me.

This dialogue is going somewhere and I like it. My next question would be: How much of this can we apply, even if it is more accurate? If someone says struggling, are we really going to stop and say "well, really, you are just sinning?" When put in action, or placed in circumstance, I really wonder how much we would even use the conclusion we come to on this topic. Keep it going guys.

Keith Drury said...

John, thanks for reminding me of these shifting terms--and their potential usefulness and other implications.

To me the term "sin" seeks forgiveness or deliverance while "struggle" seeks for help. Calling a thing sin tends to make we want to "deal with it decisively” (either by forgiveness in a moment or deliverance in a moment). On the other had, “struggle” admits to myself and others that I am in an ongoing process of recovery and what I need is not instantaneous forgiveness or immediate and complete deliverance but I need ongoing help and support (from God and others) as I hope to gradually gain victory over "the problem.”

Thus in your example of pornography, one might say, “I struggle” with porn to communicate this: “I use porn and it is probably wrong and I think I should stop but not all at once but rather gradually reduce the use of porn through God’s help and the help of others until some day I will use porn very little, or maybe even not at all.”

Of course we use this approach (as you noted) for "lighter sins" (Augustine) and not major ones. I doubt if a man would try this approach on his wife for “mortal” sins (e.g. “I'm struggling in an affair and eventually hope to reduce the number of infidelities with God’s help and yours so eventually I’ll not cheat at all on you.”) But for venial sins we seem comfortable using it. (Like you, I leave aside the matter of classifying this or other sins in the mortal-venial or heavy-light category for the moment). My point is mostly observing that the “struggle” term expects more gradual recovery and calls for continuing help rather than immediate forgiveness or deliverance.

(I am, of course an expert at labeling “sin” by other terms in order to make allowance for unlovely thoughts, words and deeds… I am a child of the “Holiness movement” where we honed this skill to perfection-pun intended) ;-)

Anonymous said...

When I say, "I'm struggling to lose weight" it means, "Some weeks I eat healthy and lose two pounds; other weeks I eat everything in sight and gain four." I'm not necessarily sinning or suffering, I'm trying to change my eating habits for good and want someone to commiserate with me on the difficulty of doing so.

Anonymous said...

i dated a girl in college who over-used the word struggle, so i am bothered whenever i hear it.

especially last weekend, when i found out that my White friend, who is dating a fantastic guy from Ethiopia, has a mother who is "struggling" with the fact that her daughter is dating a Black man.